Seleucid Empire

The Seleucid Empire was one of the first confederations formed on Dhachaigh. This federation evolved from the nomadic tribes on or around the Plains of Morgh.

The Tribe of Capall came to dominate the Plains of Morgh through its ability to travel vast distances quickly. It used this ability to raid other tribes and flee hostile groups. With this domination came a significant increase in population, leading to internecine disputes and, thus, the fragmentation of the tribe of Capall into several roving warlike bands.

While the other tribes also fragmented, this was due more to a peaceful splitting of the tribes. These tribal fragments were more amicable than the splintering within the Capalls.

The difference in the nature of the tribes' splintering shaped the final fate of the Plains. The Capalls' constant raiding led to a very loose grouping of the remaining tribes fighting back. After many years of fighting, the Capalls were decimated.

During those years, the Chieftain of the Madras rose to prominence, leading many victories against the Capall. After accepting the final surrender of Capall's Chieftain Bran, Madra Barr, the Chieftain of the Madra, proposed a meeting with all Chieftains to produce an agreement on how they would handle disputes in the future. A formal independent meeting point was created in the centre of the Plains, and a meeting/disputes hall was built. Bran was then elected as the Chieftain of Chieftains, and the beginnings of the Seleucid Empire were formed.

Over time, the meeting point became a town, and then a city named M\U000000f8teplass, and the surrounding area became the Empire of the Seleucid.

Roughly 400 years later, the Seleucid Empire fell, but the city of M\U000000f8teplass remained, although somewhat diminished.